Digital marketing holds a big chunk of marketing budgets for small and big corporations nowadays. Yearly expenditures have increased significantly in the last half decade and keep doubling every 2 years. As the world is moving forward and everything keeps changing, the same is the case with digital marketing. Every year we have something new in digital marketing and we have to be updated accordingly if we want to keep the pace up. In this blog, we will let you know about the 3 future digital marketing trends you need to know. Let’s start…
Increased Use of Voice Search
The way people started using voice search is making a big impact on content marketing strategies. Voice search was not a part of the discussion just a few years back. But as services like Siri and Google Assistant came into existence, smartphone users are availing of this feature much more than ever. Previously, digital marketers used to optimize the content according to the text search. But they realized soon that these strategies are not working well for voice search optimization.

There are a number of factors to consider when doing content optimization for voice search. But the most important thing is to be more definitive in the titles. For instance, instead of using just “cloth brand” in the title, use “women’s cloth brands in London” to optimize for voice search.
Using Chatbots For Marketing
Businesses are using chatbots for a while now but there is a sudden increase in the use of bots. Chatbots are mostly used to reply to the simple queries of customers and offer them a seamless experience. Other than that, businesses are using chatbots to drive direct sales to their business and customer can instantly place an order just by talking to chatbots. Just to give an example, Uber is using chatbots in Facebook messenger and allowing its users to request a ride even without installing their app.

You can integrate the marketing channel with the point of sale using chatbots in order to increase your sales more quickly. It will also shorten the purchase cycle. A lot of big firms are using advanced AI chatbots to provide their customer with a completely personalized experience. For example, Bank of America has the most advanced chatbots integrated with its system. It is so advanced that a user can access the internal database, check the balance, and make translations a lot more. If not that advanced, your business should have a simple chatbot to reply to the most common queries by your customers.
Augmented Reality (AR) in Action
The most anticipated technology nowadays is Augmented Reality. AR started gaining popularity a few years back and now a lot of businesses have started using it for their marketing channels. Studies suggest that AR may soon outpace VR as it has become the new hottest trend for marketing. Big multinational companies like IKEA are already using AR technology to make marketing more effective. The IKEA Place App launched in 2017, can be used by a user to see if the furniture fits in their place or not. Before, it was a headache to decide which size will be the best fit. But IKEA Place App can do it on the spot using its AR technology.

Every year we have some new trends to follow in every part of life if we want to stay connected to the latest world. What do you think which one of the above is the most useful? Please let us know in the comments.
If you want your business to be connected with the latest trends in digital and every field, you can contact us at any time. We are here to help you grow using the latest technologies and digital marketing techniques.